Meta Collage

Written:09/01/2023, Edited:10/01/2025


The goal of me making this was to make something that can easily turn videos into collages. I was inspired by the idea of Steamed Hams within Steamed Hams (See below video) I wanted to program something up quickly to enact it. I eventually made a modification where you can make

I considered using python as I had previously made image manipulating software with it but I remembered it being extremely slow (This may have just been due to my inexperience) so decided to take a punt at something new and use rust.

Rust Digression (I wrote this to learn rust)

This was the first program I ever wrote in rust. My immediate impression was of a language which takes the best attributes of both C like languages and more high level languages like python. “Compilable Typescript” was my inspiration. And I still for the large part stand behind that.

For the positives:

For the negatives:


Which compared to C’s solution of

#include "the file you want"

and then letting the compiler figure out in which order the dependencies should go feel like a genius move. Of course you could always just pull a WarSim and put all your functions in a singular file you maniac.

For my purposes rust has great image processing features which I will be definitely using again. And I look forward to implementing whatever crazy idea I have next Steamed Hams or otherwise.